Taking a look back at Halloween 2015, we went all-in on a homemade costume for toddler Ike – because, well, these are the precious years before he’s begging for the latest superhero or Fortnite whomever from Target. This DIY masterpiece transformed Ike into Jon Snow from Game of Thrones, complete with his own furry sidekick, Ghost! Game of Thrones was, in 2015, the most captivating thing on television.

Why DIY?
Since Ike’s toddler Halloween costumes were completely in our hands we wanted something memorable – and more importantly something that would use his gorgeous long hair and channel a bit of pop culture. And let’s be honest, it’s a lot more fun to dress him up before he has a say in his costume choices! For all my fellow Game of Thrones fans out there, we couldn’t resist giving Ike the full Jon Snow treatment. We couldn’t pass it up, the resemblance is really remarkable. Plus, my husband’s idea of a toddler Pablo Escobar costume was swiftly vetoed. (Just no.)
The Making of Jon Snow
With a mini black cloak, fur accents, and a little makeshift sword, Ike stepped out as the “King in the North” himself, bringing all the brooding, toddler intensity we could hope for. Ghost – a.k.a. a sweet white plush wolf – stuck loyally by his side. Honestly, it’s going to be tough to top this costume in future years, so we may need to start stocking up on Minion and superhero outfits now!
Looking back, it’s these fun, creative costumes that keep Halloween memories alive. If you’re considering DIY costumes, remember – a little creativity, a bit of pop culture, and some humor go a long way.
Happy #ThrowbackThursday, friends! Here’s to cherishing those costume moments with our littles before they have their own opinions! 👻 #HalloweenThrowback #JonSnowToddler
For more Halloween costume ideas visit this post and this post as well.